"Don't judge me by the way I dress, the way I talk, my living style. This is me and I live for me" _Michael_
Amber Rose AND Female Rapper Nicki Minaj secretly sexin’??
URL : Amber Rose AND Female Rapper Nicki Minaj secretly sexin’?? // News & Gossip // TheRundown.TV
check it out . iwas just on twitter and therundown twittered it , iwas like W T H .
lmao @ secretly sexin .
check it out . iwas just on twitter and therundown twittered it , iwas like W T H .
lmao @ secretly sexin .
this is how i feeel about life . =/ (look side ways ) l0l .
life is hard .
life is hard .
I wish things was easy .
some times I wonder how life would be different.
but lIFE is a living experience .
We all live one time !
Next Lifetime .
big deal .
SO many ppl are on it .
twitter is coool .
best website , i like it better than AIM .
&&& myspace .
For the people that does not have one .check it out ; www.twitter.com
meet friends , easy to put pictures up , change background .&&& direct message .,
SO many ppl are on it .
twitter is coool .
best website , i like it better than AIM .
&&& myspace .
For the people that does not have one .check it out ; www.twitter.com
meet friends , easy to put pictures up , change background .&&& direct message .,
week as a trucker ; roadtrip w| uncl .
The trucker life is not me .tmi .bcause you have to do too much and just ugh .
The first stop was chino . And later that night slept in the truck , woke up at 5 that morning .Day 2 : woke up at 5 some thing. Today iate popeyes and it was so not all that good. They cheated me with some skimpy nuggets but I was full that was good. The cool thing was when the time changed , so we reach new mexico and all I see is shrubs and stuff .we are heading to orlando , florida how awesome. No sleeep for me tonight bcause I wanna be up
late . So now were stopping at this weigh station & its 5:15pm .5:17 back on the road, that was fast .&& its 1o2 out here omg .luckily we have ac && stuff .5:24 still on the road of course nth but shrubs , trees ,&& dirt .just like heading too vegas .this is the boring part .and sooo many billboards. Sheesh. 5:42 112 more miles till texas. A lot of mountains && stuff .aha ! Just seen a border patrol car . so its 6pm && still seeing the same stuff & nothing more .6:35 same scenery. But guessing we have 7o some thing more miles or some thing . 6:44 so we're getting close to the border line that separates and im kinda getting nervous .heart pounding .l0l .haven't made it yet too the border line . wow the grass & stuff got greener , a while back the grass was dead. Just seen a wal-mart w a different logo. Dang things are different out here .7:57 seeeen mexicoooo .omg. 8:23 stilll not border line .im ready to cross .oh snaps the time just changed again .from 8 some thing to 9:44 .1o:16 iseeee the border , we're almost there. Im glad I chose to go this way. Got to see things I would not experience . 1o:2o so we made it & there is a line. Ok so they brought the k9 dog to the truck to sniff out drugs .& the border line patrol ask`d if we were us citizens and that's about it .nothing big .&& we're still in Texas . So its 11:o1
on our way to orlando , florida I suppose .12:25 stilll driving && on our way to orlando , florida .1:1oam ,so its time for sleep .DAY 3 ; woke up at 9am . 12:o5 nothing been happening, just seeing the same thing : shrubs, trees & dead rodents. By the way bug flying and spattering on the front windshield.12:o9 dfferent county : kerr. 12:18 rest stop , welll pit stop for foood .im going to eat mcdonalds bcause I want an ice coffee. 12:5o .back on the road w my ice coffee. 1:o7 san antonio 42 more miles .1:2o ; seen some of san antonio tx , passing it up.now we're heading to orlando florida .so we stopped at this pit stop where they have showers && the shower was nice .im enjoy`n everything , I seen many different sites & other stuff .3:35 so back on the road
heading to orlando florida .4:49 ; stilll on the highway or whatever it is. But scenary is cool .its 5:38 ; break soon bcause im getting hungry. But still on the highway im blasting my pod , twittering , & aiming .6:oo ; going through houston ,tx .looks like a nice place to live .hey
they have fuddruckers. So its 6:43 , stopping at this stop .perfect. 8:27 ; still at the pit stop. Kinda ready to get back on the road. 8:44 ; welll we're here for the night .not going no where till tomorrow .1o:o6 ; stilll up, on the laptop. 1:35 ; ha! Stilll up. Day 4 ;7:2o. still at the same place , haven't left yet. 9:oo ; so we're back on the road .1o:2o so we're getting close to lousisana so excited. in louisana ; whooot whooot .ha ! 12:o3 just stopp`d a rest stop , time to eat some
goood Cajun food .1:oo ; back on the road .seen the swaps that contains alligators and crocodiles.passed up alabama & then it started to rain out of no where . In hammond .welll I just found we're in Mississippi that's crazy. Woow we're in florida at 8:54pm well its 1o:43 & we're
still on the road, talhasee would be the first city we get too .tahalasee 88 more miles. 12:38am still driving , talhasee 35 more miles. 12:51 talahasee 20 more miles .1:o4am made it too talahasee. Yesss ! We made it to orlando florida @ 11:oo .sooo we dropped our load offf &nd hmm just stopped by the l0VE rest stop for trucks .&&& close to ATL , only a 6 in a hlaf hour drive can't wait. It was fun while it lasted , experienced a lot of cities && states. So we're almost to GA .not quite .welcome to GA !!!! @12:41 . 5:52 atlanta ; 16o miles .7:1o soo 65 more miles than ATL . 37 more miles till ATL . So we made it to his house .finally here . But we live in covington ,GA .
The first stop was chino . And later that night slept in the truck , woke up at 5 that morning .Day 2 : woke up at 5 some thing. Today iate popeyes and it was so not all that good. They cheated me with some skimpy nuggets but I was full that was good. The cool thing was when the time changed , so we reach new mexico and all I see is shrubs and stuff .we are heading to orlando , florida how awesome. No sleeep for me tonight bcause I wanna be up
late . So now were stopping at this weigh station & its 5:15pm .5:17 back on the road, that was fast .&& its 1o2 out here omg .luckily we have ac && stuff .5:24 still on the road of course nth but shrubs , trees ,&& dirt .just like heading too vegas .this is the boring part .and sooo many billboards. Sheesh. 5:42 112 more miles till texas. A lot of mountains && stuff .aha ! Just seen a border patrol car . so its 6pm && still seeing the same stuff & nothing more .6:35 same scenery. But guessing we have 7o some thing more miles or some thing . 6:44 so we're getting close to the border line that separates and im kinda getting nervous .heart pounding .l0l .haven't made it yet too the border line . wow the grass & stuff got greener , a while back the grass was dead. Just seen a wal-mart w a different logo. Dang things are different out here .7:57 seeeen mexicoooo .omg. 8:23 stilll not border line .im ready to cross .oh snaps the time just changed again .from 8 some thing to 9:44 .1o:16 iseeee the border , we're almost there. Im glad I chose to go this way. Got to see things I would not experience . 1o:2o so we made it & there is a line. Ok so they brought the k9 dog to the truck to sniff out drugs .& the border line patrol ask`d if we were us citizens and that's about it .nothing big .&& we're still in Texas . So its 11:o1
on our way to orlando , florida I suppose .12:25 stilll driving && on our way to orlando , florida .1:1oam ,so its time for sleep .DAY 3 ; woke up at 9am . 12:o5 nothing been happening, just seeing the same thing : shrubs, trees & dead rodents. By the way bug flying and spattering on the front windshield.12:o9 dfferent county : kerr. 12:18 rest stop , welll pit stop for foood .im going to eat mcdonalds bcause I want an ice coffee. 12:5o .back on the road w my ice coffee. 1:o7 san antonio 42 more miles .1:2o ; seen some of san antonio tx , passing it up.now we're heading to orlando florida .so we stopped at this pit stop where they have showers && the shower was nice .im enjoy`n everything , I seen many different sites & other stuff .3:35 so back on the road
heading to orlando florida .4:49 ; stilll on the highway or whatever it is. But scenary is cool .its 5:38 ; break soon bcause im getting hungry. But still on the highway im blasting my pod , twittering , & aiming .6:oo ; going through houston ,tx .looks like a nice place to live .hey
they have fuddruckers. So its 6:43 , stopping at this stop .perfect. 8:27 ; still at the pit stop. Kinda ready to get back on the road. 8:44 ; welll we're here for the night .not going no where till tomorrow .1o:o6 ; stilll up, on the laptop. 1:35 ; ha! Stilll up. Day 4 ;7:2o. still at the same place , haven't left yet. 9:oo ; so we're back on the road .1o:2o so we're getting close to lousisana so excited. in louisana ; whooot whooot .ha ! 12:o3 just stopp`d a rest stop , time to eat some
goood Cajun food .1:oo ; back on the road .seen the swaps that contains alligators and crocodiles.passed up alabama & then it started to rain out of no where . In hammond .welll I just found we're in Mississippi that's crazy. Woow we're in florida at 8:54pm well its 1o:43 & we're
still on the road, talhasee would be the first city we get too .tahalasee 88 more miles. 12:38am still driving , talhasee 35 more miles. 12:51 talahasee 20 more miles .1:o4am made it too talahasee. Yesss ! We made it to orlando florida @ 11:oo .sooo we dropped our load offf &nd hmm just stopped by the l0VE rest stop for trucks .&&& close to ATL , only a 6 in a hlaf hour drive can't wait. It was fun while it lasted , experienced a lot of cities && states. So we're almost to GA .not quite .welcome to GA !!!! @12:41 . 5:52 atlanta ; 16o miles .7:1o soo 65 more miles than ATL . 37 more miles till ATL . So we made it to his house .finally here . But we live in covington ,GA .
States went through :
CA ,AZ , NM ,TX ,LA ,MS ,AL ,FL ,GA ;atl .
she `s a ☆ .

now that i got it, i aint lettin go. Nah. You won't see me slip, I aint
taken no trip. No vaca.
Fuck bitches, that's what I say. Money is tha motive- & dont you forget
it. ima stack it to tha roof & throw it - hail mary. Down on ya knees &
praise mary. Blow mary . Find a bitch w.a hi &call her mary.Jane. See
I'm still tha same, little gurl done grew up & i own this game. So my
rules apply dont cheat code me. Fuck the world on my behalf -- yes I'm
greedy. Money is easy. & ima git it til itz stupid, call me mrs.dummy
cause tha money is stupid! I'm married to this shit, & everybody want my
bitch -- faithful to the streetz , SIGNED. mrs.MONEY DUMMY STUPID!
taken no trip. No vaca.
Fuck bitches, that's what I say. Money is tha motive- & dont you forget
it. ima stack it to tha roof & throw it - hail mary. Down on ya knees &
praise mary. Blow mary . Find a bitch w.a hi &call her mary.Jane. See
I'm still tha same, little gurl done grew up & i own this game. So my
rules apply dont cheat code me. Fuck the world on my behalf -- yes I'm
greedy. Money is easy. & ima git it til itz stupid, call me mrs.dummy
cause tha money is stupid! I'm married to this shit, & everybody want my
bitch -- faithful to the streetz , SIGNED. mrs.MONEY DUMMY STUPID!
By R 0 ¥ Å L Ł ¥•°a Tad TΘ0 ߪD. ☆
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