
Myy sister & brother.

myy sissy is one of a kind..., her name is Mercedes. she is 14 and is in the 8th grade. She likes to jerk and have fun. No matter how small she is she `s going to always have confident.

Myyy brudder &nd ii are reaLLyyy different, he likes to pLayy sports and do other activites, and ii dn`t do any thing. His name is Major &nd attends J_town, we argue all the time but got each other backs at all times.

Obama: our first african american president.

The best thing tht happen in the worLd was the fact tht we finaLLyyy have an african american president. PeopLe have been looking for change. As a citizen of american ii beLieve Obama will make tht happen. Everyy one was excited that he was eLected to be our next president. I am 18 and ii witnessed historyy change. Obama been through a Lot in the presidential campaign but he focused on what he wanted and obtained that goal.

Congrats Obama ; time for a change. that wiLL soon come.


Mannnn, prom was a blast.

The loveLyy ladyy tht was attending me is Candace, we had a thing for each other but ii guess it started to fade. we were alwayys at the mall to go buyy things for her dress &nd mah suit. Prom was on May 17th, 2008, we had such a bLast with each other. We arrived look`n fLyy ass f. As soon we got there we took our pictures when we was stiLL look`d fresh. we wore fuschia &nd Blk as you can see. All nite long dancing &nd drinks, tht was the shittt.

so after prom we, meaning: deshawn, iesha, dominic; her date, stephanie, candace &nd ii were in the limo just cruising around town looking for some thing to eat, we didn`t want dennyy`s to manyy ppL eat there, so we liked pass`d up like 1o and just ate there.

We`re having a bLast in dennyyy`s and stuff and laugh`n with ppL we don`t know &nd stuff. &nd after we all ate and about to payyy, mah date didn`t enjoyy the food so the manager was arguing with her, back and forth. He picked up the fone &nd caLL`d the poLice, our so caLL`d friends left`d candace &nd ii there whiLe the officers arrived. it was heLLLLa funnyy. lmao. so we end`d up leaving and caLL`d it a night &nd went to sLeep.

Friends from Jordan High School.

I have aLot of ppL ii talk to but you dn`t know who your true friends are,

friends are there for you, it`s like marriage. it`s call`d commitement. in order to trust your friends you have show them you can have their trust.

My friend tht been there was mah doo doo head (B.A). SHE had myy back at all times, we had our ups and down, but you know wht tht`s part of friendship. ii can teLL her anyy thing and she will keep it to her seLf... ii love you girLL.

candace is mah fk`n boo for life, no doubt.
we had a thing and stiLL got one. tht`s mah wifeyy.

My other friend is Johnathan aka Mr.sinatra. Preppy ass dude, he`s fk`n funnyyy. We used to joke around and stuff, homies and stuff. he was just tight, had his own style &nd reall layy`d back.

OMG THERE`S a miLLie, she`s funnyyy aLso, not with tht fake shit. . . love her. ahhh tht`s mah ah millie.

Ladyy bLue: mah winter formaL boo, she`s the best. Ms. Brown is tight. fk`n hood all the wayy, lol. smart ass heLL. she got tht good good. LOL.

Jadae: the big boottyy grandma, knew each other for 4 yrs, went MIA ON A nicka wht`s up with tht. traded jordan for compton h.s, ahh: you suck. lol.

&nd there`s more to come . . .