Myyy brudder &nd ii are reaLLyyy different, he likes to pLayy sports and do other activites, and ii dn`t do any thing. His name is Major &nd attends J_town, we argue all the time but got each other backs at all times.
"Don't judge me by the way I dress, the way I talk, my living style. This is me and I live for me" _Michael_
The best thing tht happen in the worLd was the fact tht we finaLLyyy have an african american president. PeopLe have been looking for change. As a citizen of american ii beLieve Obama will make tht happen. Everyy one was excited that he was eLected to be our next president. I am 18 and ii witnessed historyy change. Obama been through a Lot in the presidential campaign but he focused on what he wanted and obtained that goal.
Congrats Obama ; time for a change. that wiLL soon come.