Mannnn, prom was a blast.
The loveLyy ladyy tht was attending me is Candace, we had a thing for each other but ii guess it started to fade. we were alwayys at the mall to go buyy things for her dress &nd mah suit. Prom was on May 17th, 2008, we had such a bLast with each other. We arrived look`n fLyy ass f. As soon we got there we took our pictures when we was stiLL look`d fresh. we wore fuschia &nd Blk as you can see. All nite long dancing &nd drinks, tht was the shittt.
so after prom we, meaning: deshawn, iesha, dominic; her date, stephanie, candace &nd ii were in the limo just cruising around town looking for some thing to eat, we didn`t want dennyy`s to manyy ppL eat there, so we liked pass`d up like 1o and just ate there.
We`re having a bLast in dennyyy`s and stuff and laugh`n with ppL we don`t know &nd stuff. &nd after we all ate and about to payyy, mah date didn`t enjoyy the food so the manager was arguing with her, back and forth. He picked up the fone &nd caLL`d the poLice, our so caLL`d friends left`d candace &nd ii there whiLe the officers arrived. it was heLLLLa funnyy. lmao. so we end`d up leaving and caLL`d it a night &nd went to sLeep.
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